Nov. 1, 2024

Essay: Only 86,000 To Go. You in?

Essay: Only 86,000 To Go. You in?

This week:

This entire (short!) episode is a call to action. It's time to do this the thing, but also take care of yourselves and your loved ones these next couple weeks.

It's a lot right now.

Here's What You Can Do:

  • Donate to the groups that are on the ground every day organizing and fighting for a better, stronger democracy (go)
  • Volunteer for democracy by picking up the phone and knocking on doors with the people who have mobilizing voters down to a science. Time’s ticking but it’s not too late (go)
  • Learn about ways you can become a more active citizen (like running for a local office!) (go)
  • Be heard about the issues you care about the most, like reproductive rights or clean energy, and find candidates in your district that support those causes.
  • Invest in companies that are scaling climate solutions so we still have a planet where the privilege to vote is possible.


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