Essays Episodes

The weekly tent-pole essay, plus Action Steps. 10/10, you're welcome.
Aug. 26, 2024

Essay: How to Eat More Plants (And Less Beef)

This week: Next up in our series of “How to Eat More Plants”. Today’s topic? Beef! Here's What You Can Do: Read the essay and get the links online here Donate to the Humane Farming Association to support their work against f…
Aug. 12, 2024

Essay: The Sun Machines Cometh

This week: Please enjoy this hopeful ditty on how we have finally harnessed the sun ☀️ — and how we’re just getting started. Here's What You Can Do: Donate to Grid Alternatives to advocate for community-powered solar policy …
Aug. 5, 2024

Essay: How To Eat More Plants

This week: Today’s post is more of a macro introduction to the why and how of the “eat more plants (and consequently) fewer animals” lifestyle. Deep-dives on how to eat fewer animals, by type, including meat/beef/pork, chick…
July 29, 2024

Essay: The Turn of the Tide

This week: We're running an updated version of a popular essay from last year. Tolkien described life (and often, his stories) as a "long defeat", where evil frequently, inevitably wins. But he allowed for "eucatastrophe" — …
June 20, 2024

🌎 A Leading Question

This week: We are occasionally asked why we link to scientific journals, news outlets, and sometimes even opinion pieces that are behind paywalls. In a world where HBO HBO Max Max and Spotify and everyone else raise prices o…
May 27, 2024

Essay: In Bruges

This week: Do you like cookies? What about olive oil cake? What about chocolate chip coffee cake? Listen on. Here's What You Can Do: 🌍️ Donate to support African farmers by increasing incomes and improving food security thro…
May 10, 2024

Essay: How to get more Good Energy

This week: This week I wrote about a groundbreaking and essential new study that — thank christ — is not actually about which seemingly reasonable dietary supplement will definitely extend/tragically cut short your life. It’…
May 3, 2024

Bridget Jones, Climate Hero

This week: In this essay, I will argue that Bridget Jones is the perfect climate-era hero, because she is all of us. Here's What You Can Do: 🌍️ Donate to Project HOPE to support frontline teams working to strengthen healthca…
April 11, 2024

Program The World

This week: Let’s talk about the Information Era. Here's What You Can Do: Donate (and subscribe!) to the 19th , an independent, non-profit, kick-ass newsroom reporting on gender and politics. Volunteer with Tech Shift to buil…
March 25, 2024

The Aftermath

This week: Bernie decided March 15th is Long COVID Awareness Day , so I thought it was an appropriate moment to try to pull together the threads of why Long COVID pisses me off so much, examples of other self-defeating issue…
March 13, 2024

How To Give

This week: There are few problems so simple that a single donation can fix them. Usually, to turn a problem into a realistic opportunity takes many donations. Over time, spread over a large number of donors. But all the work…
Feb. 26, 2024

How to See The Forest

This week: Are we in the hardest part of the climate transition? Here's What You Can Do: 🌎️ Donate to , a global movement working towards a fossil fuel-free world. Volunteer with your local Mothers Out Front chapter …
Feb. 14, 2024

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

This week: How are we supposed to navigate this energy transition, AI, and pandemics, if we cannot agree on the most basic, fundamental shit? We argue about tradeoffs or gently suggest expanding the scope of our moral concer…
Feb. 9, 2024

If This, Then What Else?

This week: Today’s essay is a bit of a departure — I just wanted to make super clear where I stand vis a vis the next eleven months. A MAGA party don't stop unless we stop it. Here's What You Can Do: Donate to Voters of Tomo…
Feb. 7, 2024

2024: The Gaps and How to Close Them

This week: Today’s essay is my version of a 2024 preview. Unlike other previews, though, it’s less, “This is what is going to happen” and more “These are the table stakes as far as I can tell.” I think that approach is much …